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About Me

Ron Schumacher has spent the last 30 years as a teacher, director and principal in Colorado.  He has experience at all levels PK-12.  Ron served as the principal of Elkhart Elementary, in Aurora Public Schools, for the last 12 years.  Elkhart was a “Priority Improvement” school with a long history of poor academic performance, high teacher turnover and behavior issues.  Within 2 years Elkhart had achieved a “Performance” rating; Colorado’s highest, which was maintained through the pandemic. No other neighborhood elementary school in the state of Colorado with 95%+ poverty rates and 65%+ ELL’s has had multiple years in Performance.  Elkhart has had eight consecutive years with a Performance rating and has also earned the Center of Excellence Award two of the last three years the award has been given. 


In addition to his hands on experience, Ron has been trained at the University of Virginia Partnership for Leaders in Education and NISL.


H&S has experience supporting schools in urban, suburban and rural areas as well as charter and neighborhood public schools.  


Ron founded H&S Leadership Consulting, LLC to help other school leaders by providing systematic support and coaching so that all children can have the opportunity to attend a high quality public school.

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